l to r: David Kilpatrick, 2022 Board Treasurer and Executive Director of Des Moines Playhouse;
John Kendeigh, 2021 Board President and Partner at Tarbell and Co., PLC.
Photo courtesy of Maharry Photography.
Serving the West Side...
We are committed to the success of your business or organization and the Des Moines West Side! The mission of the Des Moines West Side Chamber of Commerce is to serve our community by supporting and enhancing the unique quality of life and commerce that defines the Des Moines West Side.
The West Side Chamber works to set the P.A.C.E. for the Des Moines West Side business community.
Promote - The Chamber works actively to promote its members to other businesses and the community. We celebrate business milestones like anniversaries and grand openings and help businesses “tell their story” to the community and the region. If you want more people to know who you are and what you do, we are here to help make that a reality.
Advocate - The Chamber serves as an advocate for member businesses in terms of legislation and community planning that may affect our business community. We work closely with our elected officials, city leadership, and economic development agencies to help our community put its best foot forward in making the Des Moines West Side an attractive place to live and do business.
Connect - The Chamber works to connect area businesses and business people through a variety of networking events and groups. We hold to the truth that people do business with those they know, like, and trust. Being a part of the Chamber gives you the chance to build those strategic and supportive relationships.
Educate - The Chamber organizes and promotes educational opportunities for members in subject areas of interest to their businesses. Two words summarize this effort: Inform and Inspire! We all need fresh ideas and information on resources and best practices to help our businesses succeed in today’s challenging economy.
Not a member yet? We'd love for you to join us. The West Side Chamber is NOT an exclusive club, but open to all businesses, non-profits and individuals in the Greater Des Moines area, especially those who live, work, and do business on the West Side. We stand as a business community ready to welcome you and learn more so we can help you succeed.

The Greater Des Moines Area is represented by over a dozen chambers' of commerce. Each of these chambers function as their own, independent non-profit 501(c-6) non-profit association. Each is governed by their own board of directors made up of local businesses and community leaders. They also hire and needed staff to fulfill their mission to serve their members.